Assisst .prof.Dr.Salma Obaid Mohammed organized an awareness campaign with a contribution with second grade students where they presented Seminars, educational and informative posters designed and distributed in several places in our college to introduce these two phenomena and the need to combat and limit them, as they are intrusive to our society. 

It is worth noting that the campaign is not the first, but it was preceded by previous campaigns carried out by the faculty staff last year with the support of the presidency of the Chemistry Department and with the contribution of our students in the second phase, including the campaign to reduce the spread of the drug phenomenon.

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كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة (ابن الهيثم) College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham) اقسام الكلية هي: قسم الفيزياء قسم الكيمياء قسم علوم الحياة قسم الرياضيات قسم الحاسبات

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